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Lanmeixin® Sodium Lansoprazole for InjectionLong-lasting care from a fast-acting antiacid!

【Generic Name】:Lansoprazole for Injection

【Manufacturer】:SPH New Asia Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

【Specifications】:30 mg/vial, 1 vial/box or 2 vials/box (with fine filter)

【NRDL Category】:Class B on National Reimbursement Drug List(NRDL)(605)

【Pharmacology】:Lansoprazole is a proton pump inhibitor.When administered, it is distributed in acid cells of gastric mucosa where it is transformed into an active metabolite which binds with the mercapto groups of H+,K+-ATPases in acid cells, thereby inhibiting the activity of H+,K+-ATPases and consequently the secretion of gastric acid.

【Drug Category】:Antacids (proton pump inhibitors)

【Indications】:Lanmeixin® is indicated for gastric and/or duodenal ulcer associated with bleeding (which counter indicates oral medication) as well as acute stress ulcer, acute gastric mucosal lesion, and erosive esophagitis.

【Administration and Dosage】: intravenous drip infusion.Adults: 30mg, dissolved in 100mL of 0.9% sodium chloride injection, intravenously administered twice daily.

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